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Inpatient Program

Our comprehensive inpatient addiction treatment program is meticulously designed to provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals seeking recovery. This approach encompasses a series of intensive inpatient treatment sessions, offering a diverse range of therapeutic and support interventions to address the multifaceted aspects of addiction.

Key Components of the Inpatient Program:

Daily Reflection:

Clients engage in daily reflection sessions, fostering self-awareness and mindfulness as essential components of the recovery journey.

Individual Therapy:

Personalized one-on-one therapy sessions are conducted, allowing individuals to explore underlying issues, set goals, and develop coping strategies with a dedicated therapist.

Group Therapy:

Collaborative group therapy sessions provide a supportive community where individuals can share experiences, gain insights, and build a strong foundation for recovery.

Group Dynamics, Art Therapy, and Drama Therapy:

Incorporating creative elements into the recovery process, our program features group dynamics, art therapy, and drama therapy sessions, promoting self-expression and emotional exploration.

Recovery Skills Group Sessions:

A structured curriculum comprising psychoeducation, confrontation, evaluation, yoga, painting, and relapse prevention ensures a well-rounded approach to acquiring essential recovery skills.


Educational sessions focus on providing individuals with a understanding of addiction, its effects, and evidence-based strategies for sustained recovery.

Confrontation and Evaluation:

In a supportive yet challenging environment, clients confront and evaluate their patterns of behavior, facilitating personal growth and transformative change.

Yoga and Painting:

Integrating holistic practices, our program includes yoga and painting sessions to promote physical well-being, relaxation, and creative expression as integral components of the recovery journey.

Relapse Prevention:

Dedicated sessions focus on developing effective relapse prevention strategies, equipping individuals with the tools needed to navigate challenges and maintain long-term sobriety.

Individual/Conjoint Family Sessions:

Recognizing the importance of family dynamics, our program includes individual and conjoint family therapy sessions to address familial relationships and strengthen the support system for lasting recovery.